For baptized children from 1st to 9th grade who are preparing to receive the sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist. At Divine Mercy, preparation for the sacraments is a 2 year process beginning no sooner than the first grade. In first year sacrament preparation, children learn the foundations of the Catholic faith, how to pray and about friendship with Christ.
Children no younger than 2nd grade who have completed their first year of sacrament preparation with good attendance will advance to the second year of sacrament preparation. This year builds on what the child learned in their first year and prepares them for First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion. In keeping with Diocesan guidelines, children must have reached the age of reason (7 years of age or older) before they are able to make their First Reconciliation or First Communion.
If you would like to register your children for Children's Sacrament Preparation, please call the parish office or email [email protected]
"Between Sacraments"?
If your children are "between sacraments" there is still a place where they can learn and grow closer to Jesus! Please visit our ongoing faith formation page to learn more and to register.